home visual written music links

what is this:

> a site dedicated to sharing my works and thoughts, both visual and written

> maintained with dedication since Jan'23


> current song: Project Pitchfork - Song Of The Winds

> meet frens

who am i:

> self proclaimed artist with weird aesthetics

> don't want to be seen, don't want to be known


├── your guides
├── visual/
│ ├── main/
│ │ ├── weird
│ │ └── scrapbook
│ ├── linux
│ ├── lineart
│ └── textures
├── written/
│ ├── stories
│ └── dreams
├── music/
└── links/

to do:

> redo index. again.

> highlight menu better

> make a separator

Thanks for visiting!