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Who's Ian? And Joseph?
<< I'm not reading all that
Ian Londer was partially "inspired" by ST:Voyager "Meld" episode.
If you read a bit and compare him to the main antagonist, this looks very bad - both are Betazoids, names are similiar.
However, he's not "inspired" by Lon, but Tuvok. So, he's not malicious and insane. Watching this episode I kind of
vibed with Tuvok trying to understand Lon and solve this whole mystery of "why". That was not the very beginning
of this man.
I guess, while I was thinking "damn, that episode was nice" I just caught a glimpse of a blonde dude.
Not like a hallucination, something like an idea, but not your own. That's what I need to mention here, he's not really a made up person. He just... I don't know, revealed himself.
But I was intrigued. "Maybe it's time to write Star Trek fanfic?" (NO, IT'S NOT). The dude was a bit pale,
black eyed, with blonde ponytail with that specific haircut. Obviously he somewhat resembled Lon,
with that black-yellow engineering uniform and black eyes. Yet despite these negative resemblances from the beginning
he seemed to not be hostile. As in, of course he wouldnt be intrusive or anything. You just sometimes are able to tell
whether it's safe to stick around somebody or just run.
I tried to hijack him a bit, maybe turn him into a comic/story/whatever protagonist. By "hijacking" I mean changing him
a bit: specifically I meant him to have one eye cybernetic, with a scar.
It didn't work out, as he kept his original looks. Was very patient about not making that new look stick. I also think I have one of first portraits somewhere around with those characteristics too.
Now, I have to shamefully admit that I am that type of person who HAS to create stories and false scenaries in my head
before I fall asleep. You probably already know where this is going (No, not that way).
After some hanging around as in "pre-sleeping daydreaming" I started viewing Ian as a companion. He somehow stuck around. I should probably mention that I didn't name him.
I just, idk, knew. I didn't even like that name too much.
When it comes to his character, well, he's kind, a cinnamon roll. I don't really know what else to say here. He's nice. Make of that what you want.
he smokes a lot
apparently believes that vampires exist
talented engineer
almost died suffocated in smoke
Joseph did not appear like Ian did.
First, there was a portrait, strongly inspired by Velvet Acid Christ
Calling Ov The Dead album and two last
songs of Between The Eyes 1,
referencig the author's unfinished comic (author deleted original page) about a cyborg, a man killed then
brought back to life using technology. Pretty horrifying concept, especially assuming that cyborg would be conscious and remembering what happened to him.
Sometime later I doodled another version based on that mess.
His origin is predictable, too comparable to the VAC cyborg's one. Killed, abducted, and transformed. Wandered around for a few months.
Found damaged and malfunctioning by Ian, brought home, repaired, allowed to rest.
He compares himself to an adopted stray dog, an accidental passenger. We think he's a friend, or at this point, a family member, not a passenger.
Joseph is a bit different than Ian, maybe kind to two people he trusts, but otherwise cold and cruel, definitely not a nice person.
This is either entirely caused by what he's been through, or partially just his character.
naah he's a sweetheart too ngl
he's got metal bones, except for facial skull
so despite being skinny, he's rather heavy
likes cooking, even though he cannot eat
call me insane all you want, i would honestly agree at this point