The subpage nobody needs but I'm putting it up anyways (just like this entire dumb page of mine)
<< go back to visual
Background of background
Super easy way of making slightly decent nebulas in GIMP. I'm sure you can perfect it if you actually put some effort, unlike me:
- render Plasma noise with hight turbulence, keep changing turbulence and seed until you get a pattern you like
- decide which colors you want to keep
- select these colors, invert, delete the rest
- copy layer, move below, gaussian blur 1.5
- repeat above but set gb to ~15
- if you have too many colors and want them the same, just use Colors > Hue-Saturation and adjust selected hues
- oil brush for some rough filling underneath
- standard round brush, size 1-2, spacing 5000 for little stars
- oil brush ~100px size, pressure opacity (or decrease brush opacity), bright color for glow on top of clouds
- same but dark if you want to separate some clouds slightly
- MyPaint spray brush for some other stars/splatters: size ~3.5, opacity almost to max, hardness to minimum. Or just one of bristle brushes with presets for little stars above.
Got stuck with this one
Since I drew him messed up, I felt obligated to "fix" this. I even managed to draw him smiling, which is a huge accomplishment for me - they are always so serious in my drawings!
I will most likely be updating this section too.