home visual written music links

> Based content
SomeOrdinaryGamers - tech and commentaries
MentalOutlaw - tech and commentaries too
Michael Reeves - useless funny robots
Wendigoon - paranormal, conspiracy, commentaries
Jixaw - highest quality goofiness

> Software
Artix Linux - Arch Linux but without systemd
Parrot OS - better then Kali imho
Themix/Oomox - generate your own GTK theme
Librewolf - Firefox fork, designed for extra privacy

> Art resources
Paletton - generate palettes
Color blender - pretty self explanatory
Piskel app - online sprite editor
Pexels - free stock images

> Others
Webbrowsertools - as the name suggests, a lot of useful browser tools
Untools - tools for better thinking
Music Theory - for Musicians and Normal People
Landchad.net - how to host your own website by Luke Smith
Radio4000 - create radio stations
Dead Rabbit Radio Podcast - paranormal and funny stuff
Unapothecary's links directory - the best collection i've ever seen
Music Map - for discovering new bands
Gnoosic - another great tool for discovering music
Digital Blasphemy - huge collection of wallpapers
Based cooking - Luke Smith's website for recipies
RDOS aspie test - check for the tism (click aspie quiz)

22yk01 Feeling Machine brute teethinvitro Comet Pustój geouniversal Cyuucat Lunatic Writing Projects Robert Buchanan Rhia Idelides Monster Robotics Flower in Binary Flower in Binary

v0id psionicblades ColexDev awesomeinprogress cyberalfheim bonecharms RACCOONWORKS