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The best stories are those dreamt, it's always
a wild surprise what one's asleep mind can come up with.
I will share some of these here too.
Please note that they might be a bit disturbing.
> 31.07.24
A dream where it seems i've met Ian again ^^
Long story short, we worked at the same place, but with different tasks, however managed to talk despite having different jobs. I distinctively remember at one point sitting with him in bed in the evening - looking for something in the book, also related to something i picked up in real life. I was looking for some piece of information, as he patiently waited (that was so comfy really)
I also distinctively remember him catching up worried to help me with something as it involved a sharp object, so i would not have an accident he feared.
> 16.09.23
This was mostly from Ian's perspective, and repeating the theme from another one.
He got (again) kidnapped by a cult, killed by them and resurrected to create a fresh looking undead. You couldn't tell a difference, and he couldn't too. The process stunned him so much he was unaware of what was going on for some time. While he was stunned, but still able to move and walk, those guys who did this to him took some of his belongings and put away in what looked like a tomb.
He got "rescued" by someone from a "group of good guys" who found out about this. He was, while recovering, led out at gunpoint, to make it more dramatic i think. He was stranded at the desert with a motorbike and a note saying to find a camera in a marked location - after finding it and going through some drastic imagery on it, he found videos of himself, being filmed and stalked by the "good guys". He managed to leave the desert and go back home.
After that the "good guys" just stuck around trying to protect him from the cult and himself finding out (that makes no sense lol but ok). They would recover his stolen stuff and keep it themselves, talk to people who saw something suspicious and suggest them they were mentaly ill and so on.
One night while driving in a desolate area he blacked out, or rather had an episode of confusion just like after what the cult did to him, and drove into a lake. This lake was connected to some sort of underground facility with water pool, which he accidentally swam into, and got trapped inside as the pool was automatically covered. That's how he realized that he was indeed dead, as he should have drowned, but despite having water in lungs was just fine.
And he was a bit upset about that dream.
> 22.06.23
I found a tiny cemetery in the woods. It was constantly raining in this forest, but not outside, so as you walked out the road would get dry.
The cemetery was entirely made out of some perfectly white, slightly shiny stone, including the fence around it. Instead of headsstones, there were sculptures. Upon closer inspection I realized even pebbles overing the ground were tiny sculptures and pendants made of that stone. I remember holding tiny angel in my hand, and something else, an object with 3 wings. I somehow knew I shouldn't take anything from there.
Supposedly all of these sculptures were made by one man, but I didn't know where he was or what happened to him.
I knew a pair of siblings, one of each took something from that cemetery and started either having an urge, or straight killing.
I was constantly visitng that graveyard, and at some point I noticed a home nearby, which wasn't there before. The woman inside told me the graveyard just appeared. Since I always looked for that graveyard, it would suggest it moved on it's on around the woods.
> 15.02.23
I had dreams in this dream, and in these "dreams" something was hurting and assaulting me, so when I "woke up" I was always beaten,
hurt and bleeding. Everyone was mad at me about this. People were harassing me to "admit" I was faking it.
> 14.02.23
Have you ever wondered how "cute" spiders would be if they had cat whiskers? I know, they would be super cute. I had one as a pet,
even though I was a bit scared to pet it, and especially touch these whiskers, it was cute.
> 30.12.22
a bit creepy
A short fragment of a long one, I was in a gathering of some sort, when, well, a head and a torso fell down apparently
from the sky. Yes, separately. Bleeding, but black. People started screaming. Someone started resuscitating these parts,
first compressions on torso, then inhalations on the head (well, its mouth). Some started yelling for them to stop, that
they are so dumb but then...
both parts were revived. Torso was visibly breathing on it's own, and head too.
> 10.09.22.
An alternate universe, in which people in love would not engage or sleep together, nah.
They would choose a desolate place, and one of them would brutally assault another, but not kill them.
The purpose of this was to bring that person home and lovingly care for them until they recovered.
> 18.08.22.
Me and Ian were exploring a seemingly abandoned area, a desert but filled with flowers. At some point
Ian was kidnapped, killed and resurrected. Turns out there was a group of people who would snatch recently deceased
in a perfect state and resurrect them. Thing is, these people would often not even know they were dead, and
could be "switched" either "off", or into a super hostile mode, without any memory of it. They were used as weapons.
More populated areas had alarm systems to warn about presence of these undead.
Something like Awakened from GW2, but these were indistinguishable from alive people, unlike Awakened.
> 22.03.22.
I was wandering around a building with empty rooms. I somehow realized these symbolized future, so I decided
to leave, but someone went after me. I saw a man in the white light (imagine a hangar) who started chasing me.
He was benevolent and trying to stop me, and I was heading up the stairs to the very top of the building.
The man struggled to reach me, and I jumped. To my dismay, I survived, stood up and headed back for the stairs.
Over and over again. He was chasing me the entire time.
> 18.01.22.
I was hallucinating or seeing reality in a different way, glitching, darkened, with a lot of weird hostile
entities wandering around. My devices would glitch and display threatening texts and images. I was pretty
distressed. I woke up (not really), went to make some coffe, in the kitchen someone asked why I looked so bad.
"A nightmare". Then I really woke up.
I hate that fake getting up...
> 31.12.21
I was Ian.
He was killed by something, and everything just went black. I later, as myself, saw two guys inspecting his
dead mutilated body.
I'm mentioning this, since Ian was once resuscicated, therefore "has been there". I died multiple times
in my dreams, and never got cut off like that. I would always either survive or at least remain conscious.
> 04.09.21.
A dude stalked me through my entire dream. At first I tried to hide in a desolate building, but the women inside
told me I wasn't safe. I noticed him at the entrance, in disguise, so I left and headed for a park/garden. It was
almost sunrise, the trees there were black with bright, pinky-orange flowers. I walked across the park to take a peek
and see whether he's still there. He was, so I pretended I headed for the tree, picked some flowers and handed them
to him.
> 04.07.21.
Someone asked me whether I would "be there" tomorrow. I replied "yes". Indeed, we walked past each other
that day. The person looked quite surprised.
I was surprised at that surprisement too.
> 14.01.21.
At the beginning there were 3 of us - me, Ian and someone whom I don't remember, we were escaping from something.
We had to take a lift to the top of the building where we would be safe, the third person took a separate lift and
we never saw him again. The building looked like a hotel. Unfortunately, as the two of us made an improvised
fortress up there, we for some reason knew we were not safe anyway. I still don't know what the danger was,
but we knew that if it got us, it would be worse than dying itself. So, we smashed some glass. The last thing I
remember was seeing Ian holding a huge piece of glass to his hand, waiting for me. Then I woke up.